Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Our red blood cells are replaced every one hundred twenty days. Every five to ten days the lining of our gastrointestinal tract is replaced with new cells. And every thirty days our skin is replaced as well with new cells. The process is even faster in some areas of our bodies for example, a corneal abrasion takes two days to heal.

   This is why its so important to feed your body with living foods that contain the vitamins, minerals, nutrients, food and enzymes we need. As your cells die and are replaced , the new cells are totally dependent on the building materials available. If the materials are strong, you ll have a robust body, resisting diseases. 

   The heart, lungs and kidney etc have their own unique enzymes system. That is why it is so imperative to eat a diet of living foods.

Monday, 29 December 2014


Dead food are packed and processed with chemicals and preservatives. You can eat food that is organic everyday, but most of it is cooked on high heat then it is void of nutrition. When you add up everything you put in your mouth, from baked, boiled, broiled, and fried, you may find out you are eating a majority of "dead food".

    Your bodies must be built with strong materials since your body virtually is being remade every year, it needs to be reconstructed with vibrant powerful cells that can resist diseases. You are what you digest and absorb. That is why people everywhere need to eat living food- fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts and seeds that will have their enzymes in them. Atleast half of your food should be living raw foods or lightly steamed or stir fried.


        Enzymes often hold the key to better health. They are considered the "missing link" in health rebuilding. In your body, each and every element is vital for smooth running efficiency. Enzymes are tiny elements that may even be more valuable to body health than other nutrients.

       Enzymes enter into digestive functions.

* Help transform raw materials into body cells

* Store glycogen in the liver and mscles

* Change carbohydrates into fats

* Then transform protein into sugar and fats

* They work to help to dispose the waste products of digestion.

* Enter into just every activity to help maintain life processes.Without enzymes life would cease.

   Every cell of the body has 1000 enzymes. Every moment, throughout your body, about two millions biochemical reactions take place that require the use of enzymes for motility. A deficiency of any enzyme can create nutritional upheaval to weaken and break the chain of interrelated health.

   Specially, enzymes are body catalysts, that is, they speed up a biochemical reaction that would otherwise proceed at a much slower rate, if it would proceed at all.


  Nature has placed enzymes in raw food but most foods are cooked . Therefore, when the temperature of cooking water or heat reaches over 40 degree, the enzymes are destroy. It is wise to eat as many raw fruit and vegetables as possible so as to obtain an adequate amount of enzymes. Many people do not eat enough raw foods and thus enzymes deficit.


Tuesday, 23 December 2014


Man was placed on an unpolluted, chemical, preservative and additive.... free world. In these circumstances his liver and kidney could perform the task of the daily detoxifying of the body adequately.

    Today however, we live in a highly polluted world.... exhaust gases of vehicles, colorants, and preservatives in our food, chlorine in water etc.... thus places an exceptional high load on the detoxifying actions of our detoxifying organs kidney and liver. In fact the inflow of toxins into these organs are at a rate at which they cannot cope with the excretion of these toxins and they need assistance in the detoxifying of our bodies. Toxins staying in the body too long will have a negative influence on our health. If you have frequent headaches, lack of energy, your hair dull, your eyes are dull, your skin is not looking well..... then most probably you can benefit from detoxifying your system.

    Greenlife Herbal Network has produce a detoxification programme which everybody should take for 30days, once a year.

     Detoxification programme; 1 month per year.

       Detoxin tablet- 4X3 daily.

       Kidney care 3.5g X 3 daily.

       Danshen plus- 4X3times daily.

       Honey suckle syrup- 50mlX4daily.

       Royal tea 1bagX3daily. 

        For more details and how to get this product, contact +2348137528465.


Tuesday, 16 December 2014


You think you're healthy, but you don't feel agile/ vibrant. You struggle to find the energy to get through the day. you're irritable. Your stomach isn't acting right. And all those headaches! .
        These types of ailment tend to drag you down, wearing away your resistance and leading you feeling like you're just getting old. It has noting to do with aging. Instead, you may simply be surrounded by too many toxins.
        If you're not too sure, here are seven signs to look for and how you can clean  your system and feel better in days!.
        Acne, rashes and other skin problems may signal a toxic overload. Acne, in particular, can be related to the toxins in our diet or skin care products- puffy eyes and eczema or psoriasis( A chronic skin diseases in which scaly pink patches form on the elbows, knees, scalp and other parts of the body) outbreaks can also be signs that you're just reached your toxic limit.
       Strong reactions to smells - particularly fragrances might mean that you are simply sensitive to chemicals, which many of us are. It can also mean that your body is fighting toxic overload. Particularly if you suffer headaches or stomach upset simply from scents, this may be the case.
         If you cant tie those to your workout yesterday, could be that the toxins in your life are working away at your muscles and joints. This is more likely if you experience muscle achenes on a regular basis.
        The intestine get rid of a lot of toxins every day of our lives. When we are constipated, we are storing up all those toxins, allowing them to negatively affect our bodies. In addition to stomach upset, constipation can cause headaches, achnes and pains, and tiredness. It can can also be related to toxins in your life. Especially if you are consuming a lot of processed foods filled with chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives.
       Your brush and brush , chew gum, rise, and swallow breath mints, and still, you cant get rid of it. Bad breathe is often related to digestive problems, but it can also mean that your live is struggling to get rid of the toxins in your body. Until you tackle the problem from the source you'll continue to scare away anyone who comes close!
       Its never easy to lose weight, but if you're excising daily and cutting back on calorie and you're still putting on the pounds, you could be looking at a hormonal problem. Strangely enough, our natural hormone function can be greatly affected by the toxins in our foods and personal care products. You need a complete detoxification of your diet and personal care routine to give your body a fighting chance.
        Even if you're sleeping well, you may be fight to get through the day. This could be a sign that your body is working too hard to get rid of the toxins you're pouring into it. How do you cope with fatigue? by drinking more coffee? or sweet food!!! you can bet that you're only making the problem worse. That fatigue could also be in response to hormone disruption that are zapping your immune system.
    If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, here are few tips that may help.
*   Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Exercise gets the circulation moving, helping to move toxins along .
*   Get a good supply of digestion supportive probiotics, found in yogurt, Kim chi, royal tea etc.
*   Always brush your tongue even better, use a tongue scraper when brushing your teeth.
*   Practice deep breathing - we get rid of a lot the toxins in our bodies through lungs.
*   Use only natural skin care products that are free of fragrances, sulfates, phthalates, para beans and other potentially toxic ingredients, and always read labels and stay away from ingredients like aluminum, 1,4-dooxane, dis odium ED TA, ethyl, formaldehyde, whole organic foods whenever possible.
*  Drink more water it helps to flush toxins out of your body.


Monday, 8 December 2014


Here are some toxins not in other of importance that need to be reduced significantly in your diet.


        Caffeine is a substance that is found in certain plants. It can also be man made and added to foods. It is a central nervous system stimulant and a diuretic (substance that helps rid body of fluids). Caffeine is widely consumed. It is found naturally in the leaves, seeds, and fruits of more than 60 plants, including

 * Tea leaves

*  kolanuts

* Coffee

* Cocoa beans.

       It is also found in processed foods

* Coffee

* Tea

* Chocolate

* Candies, energy drinks, snacks, gum etc.

       It is best to decrease drastically the amount of caffeine consumed. Many people have to be weaned off caffeine slowly because they are so addicted. If they stop, they may experience withdrawal  symptoms, including headaches.

    One of the dangers of caffeine is that it overstimulates and may eventually weaken your adrenal glands--- two small glands that sit above the kidneys. They are important because they control your"fight or flight" response -your ability to handle stress. Overtime, your adrenal glands may become exhausted, and you may then suffer from chronic fatigue.

    Caffeine can also interfere with the proper absorption of vitamin and mineral. That is why it not good to take vitamins with coffee.

  Another danger of caffeine is that it can increase heart rate and, in some people , cause an irregular rapid heartbeat (arrhythmial). Other side effects of caffeine are anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, nausea, restlessness more often and vomiting.

  Note: Stopping caffeine suddenly may cause withdrawal symptoms. These may include:

 * Drowsiness

* Headache

* Irritability

* M7GBCMNausea

* Vomiting.

      There has been much research on health effects of caffeine.

          Large amounts of caffeine may stop the absorption of calcium and cause lead thinning bones (osteoporosis). Caffeine may lead to painful, lumpy breasts ( fibrocystic diseases).

    Caffeine may harm a child's nutrition if drinks with caffeine replace healthy drinks such as milk. Caffeine cuts down on appetite so a child who consumes caffeine may eat less.


       Trans fats are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. Hydrogenation is a process that makes an unsaturated fat more saturated. Hydrogenated fats can be find in margarine, field foods, most breads and baked goods, snack, foods , many packed foods, chocolate as saturated fat, and they are implicated in heart diseases and cancer.

   To determine whether you are have been eating these dangerous fats, read the nutrition labels you buy. Trans fats can be found on a "nutritional" labels under the name "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" soya beans. These deadly oils are found in nearly all margarine, breads and baked goods, as well as many other processed food found in most supermarkets.

   Be warned gently, yet sternly, these fats are killers.

      Each of us has trillions of cells, and each cell membrane. Overtime, a a continued intake of trans fats will allow them to be incorporated into the membranes , causing problems with cellular metabolism and permitting toxins to enters the cell, A, E, D and K which are soluble fat.

   This is not to go totally against fat. In fact, the average body is made up of about 20-30  percent fat including our cell membranes and the hormones we produce and we need fat to survive. That is why anybody who says, "Avoid all fats" is misleading. There are good fats such as omega -3 fats.


      What are additives? These are food substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste and appearance . Food additives has been used for centuries to enhance the appearance and flavor of food and prolong shelf life. But do these food additives really add any value to your food?

   Food additives find their way into our foods to help ease processing, packaging and storage . But how do we knpw what food additives is in macaroni and cheese and why does itb have a such long shelf life? 

    Here is a list of the top food additives to avoid.

* Common food dyes

       Studies show that artificial colorings which are found in soda, fruit juices and salad dressings, may contribute to behavioral problems in children and lead to significant reduction in IQ. other studies have linked other food coloring to cancer.


    MSG  is used as a flavor enhancer in soups, salad dressings, chips and many restaurant foods. Msg is know as an excitotoxin, a substance which over excites cells to the point of damage or death. Studies show that regular consumption of msg may result in adverse effects which include depression, disorientation, eye damage, fatigue, headaches, and obesity.

  Msg affects the neurological pathways of the brain and disengage the "I'm full " function which explains the effects of weight gain.


      More popularly know as NutraSweet is found in foods "labelled diet" or "sugar free". Nutrasweet is made up of methanol and amino acids phenylamine. Nutrasweet is believed to be carcinogenic and accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than all other food and food additives combined. Nutrasweet is not your friend. It is a neurotoxins and carcinogenic. Known to erode intelligence and affect short term memory, the components of this toxic sweetner may lead to a wide variety of ailments including brain tumor, diseses like lymphona ( cancer of the lymph nodes), diabetes, muiltiple sclerosis, parkinsons , alzheimers, fibromyalgia, and chronic emotional disorders like depression and anxiety attacks, dizziness, headaches, nausea, mental confusion, margraines and seizures.

   Acasulfame k, a relatively new artificial sweetener found in baking goods, gum and gelatin, has not been thoroughly tested and has been linked to kidney tumor. It is found in diet, or sugar free sodas, diet coke, coke zero, sugar free gum, baking goods, table top sweeteners, cereal, ice tea, chewable vitamins, toothpaste.


      High fructose corn syrup(HFCS) is a highly refined artificial sweetener which has become the number one source of calories. It is found in all almost all processed foods. HFCS pack on the pound faster than any other ingredients increase your bad cholesterol levels and contributes to the development of diabetes and tissue damage, among other harmful effects found in most processed foods, breads , candy, flavored yogurts, salad dressing, canned vegetables, cereals etc.


      We should be aware of the effect multiple medicines have on our bodies. Medicines are broken down in the liver- the great detoxifier.

     What happens when we are flooded with pharmaceutical  medications, they may overwhelm our liver and may leave toxic intermediates circulating in our blood. If you are on multiple medications, it is important to switch over gradually from prescription to minerals, vitamins, amino acids and herbs. These are goods for the body and rarely ever toxic to the body.



Thursday, 4 December 2014

How The Body Handles Toxis

Our amazing body gets rid of unwanted toxins through the colon, through our respiratory system, via perspiration, through the urinary tract, through the liver etc.

  Here is how these systems are working on our behalf.

1.The Colon

            The primary method our body uses for eliminating toxins is through the colon. After being ingested and absorbed, the toxins first circulate in the blood, then go to the liver where they're detoxified. The waste products are dumped into the bile, then into the small intestines, then into the large intestine and finally excreted. Its vital that our colon is functioning properly. for many however that's not the case.

   According to DR JOHN HARVEY, 90 percent of all diseases were due to improper functioning of the colon primary constipation. The lower end of the intestine is of the size that requires emptying every six hours. But by habit we retain its contents for twenty four ours. The result is ulcers and cancer. In the early days there are cereals which are filled with colon cleaning fiber. Overtime, however, processing methods have reduced fiber content drastically.

    If we become constipated, overtime the waste in the colon is going to start putrefying, rotting and producing gas and toxins that will be absorbed into the blood. It can resulted to severe body odour because the toxins are usually being excreted through the skin because the colon was clogged.

  To get rid of the toxins in your colon, you can take greenlife detoxifying capsule.

2. Your Respiratory System

        Another way our body clears toxins is through our respiratory system by creating mucus for example, when a person has "running nose" or is coughing mucus from the back of his throat, he is usually excreting toxins. Yet, it may be an upper respiratory infection or an allergy.

    Our lungs usually exposed to environmental toxins more than any other organ. From cigarette smoke to exhaust that you inhale from the car, you are been exposed to fumes, smoke and other airborne toxins everyday.

   Other cells along the respiratory tract contain cilia, which are hairlike projections that beat about a thousand times a minute. This helps to remove particle and toxins from the lungs. Smoking tends to paralyzed these cilia, making it difficult to expel the mucus and causing the characteristic "smoke cough". Some people do not produce enough mucus possibly due to inadequate water intake, and thus are more prone to infections. The lungs also have antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione and catalase, which quench free radicals.

3.  The Kidneys

          The kidneys help to eliminate toxins and foreign chemicals from the body. Your kidneys main function is to act as a filtration system for your blood and to remove or eliminate toxins to the bladder, where they are later removed from the body during urination.

    The blood flow to the kidney is higher than the one that flows to the brain, heart or liver. They receive 25 percent of the body's total blood volume, thus causing them to have a high exposure to chemicals and toxins in the blood. The best way to detoxify the kidneys is to drink adequate water.

4.   The Liver

             The liver is a vital organ and is actual fact, the largest internal organ in the human body. It has a variety of roles, including the removal of toxins and the production of chemicals needed for digestion and as a result, it plays a strong role in our metabolism especially, it is the body's main fat burning organ and its detoxification process help us to feel fresh and energized.

Thursday, 6 November 2014


What you don't know about detoxification may be killing you. We are living in the most polluted times in the history of this world.
      * Much of our air is contaminated
      * Most of our water is tainted
      * Our food usually contains toxins.
The tragic news is that these pollutants are entering our bodies and invading our circulation .
   Where is their final destination? They accumulated in our tissues and organs.
    On a closer look. The toxins especially pesticides take up residence in our fatty tissues. Few people realize that their brains contain significant amounts of a form of fat called phospholipids. Many toxins are fat soluble and thus can accumulate in fatty tissues and in cell membranes, including our brains.
    What is the result of a continual buildup of toxins? The symptoms and signs of toxic overload include fatigue, lack of energy, headaches, allergies and sensitivities, excessive mucus production, sinus problems, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Other symptoms include acne, forgetfulness, respiratory problems, joint achenes, arthritis, psoriasis and poor immune function.
   If you have any of these symptoms, it is extremely important that you read and carefully follow the guideline to overcome the toxic overload that will be given.
   Some of the main toxins will be identify so that you can better understand them and reduce or eliminate their intake. In addition, you will learn to open up your systems of detoxification.
    You need to avoid the obvious toxins- alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Continuation of the 30 ways to protect your sperm

21. Avoid excessive consumption of raw lemon, as this may inhibit the enzymes responsible for sperm production and libido.
22. Do seek immediate medical help if one or both of the testes are un- descended from the abdominal cavity into scrotal sac, as this can significantly reduce sperm production.
23. Do not sit for long periods in one position if you are a long distance driver, drive small sport car, or a chief executive having many board meetings leather chairs, as this can increase the temperature around scrotum which can reduce sperm count.
24. Avoid traumatic injury around testes , as this can damage the sperm producing cell.
25. Avoid bicycling, as this can damage the tube carrying the sperm.
26. Avoid obesity, as this can reduce blood flow to the testes, making the sperm production process more difficult and significantly reduce libido.
27. Avoid stress, as this can decrease the sperm count and lead to production of abnormal sperms.
28. Avoid substances abuse like cocaine or heavy marijuana ues, as this can lead to low sperm count and deformed sperms.
29. Avoid poor nutrition, as this affects quality of the sperm.
30. Not have children at a late, as the quality of the sperm decreases with age, leading to more difficult conception and greater possibility of having children with deformities.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

30 ways To Protect Your Sperm

1. Do not have unprotected sex. Sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, can damage the sperm producing cells that block the tubes carrying the testis to the penis.
2. Pesticides that control pests in the garden and on the farm. Such chemicals can damage the spern producing organs.
3. Avoid insecticides sprayed to kill mosquito. Such chemicals can damage the sperm producing organs. Therefore, if you must spray your room against mosquitoes, allow at least one hour before going back to the room
4. Avoid exposure to lead fumes generated in the manufacture of small cell batteries and in bullet. Such fumes can reduce sperm count through their negative effects on the hormones and the testis.
5. Avoid exposure to heavy metals like cadmium from the manufacture of heavy batteries, as they negatively affect the hormones.
6. Avoid exposure to paint fumes and plastic softening chemicals like phthalates, hydrocarbons such as ethylbenze, benzene, toluene, and xylene, as they destrpy the sperm producing cells and hormones.
7. Minimize exposure to e rays, as the sperm germ cells are very easily damaged by radiation.
8. Minimize exposure to radiation, as the sperm germ cells are very easily damaged by radiation.
9. Avoid fumes generated by welders and iron smelters, as their heat can affect sperm production.
10. Avoid exposure to accumulated old newsprints, as the carbon can lead to low sperm count.
11. Avoid wearing tight pants and trousers, as the heat generated can cause low sperm count.
12. Avoid children with mumps as having mumps in chilhood can cause irreversible damaged to the testis. Therefore, never allow a male visit other children that have mumps.
13. Minimise your consumption of alcohol as drinking to excess can cause low sperm count and also reduce libido, causing you to have a low sex drive.
14. Do not smoke, as cigarette smoking can damage the testis and lower sperm count, lower the ability pf sperm to move and lower the lifespan of the sperm.
15. Do not eat too much saturated fat, as they reduce the efficiency of the hormones nd enzymes that help in the sperm production process.
16. Do not eat food or supplements with soya beans convert ti the  female hormone oestrogen, which tends to neutralize the male hormone progesterone, which is needed for men to reproduce sperm.
17. Minimize your intake of refined carbohydrate like flour, white bread and white rice, as they reduce the efficiency of the hormones and enzymes that help in the sperm production process. Instead, eat more of the unrefined carbohydrate like brown rice, wheat bread and oats.
18. Do not become constipated, as this can obstruct blood flow to the testis. Therefore. eat more dietary fibers.
19. Do not eat poor diet, as this affect the quality of the sperm. Instead, eat more whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
20. Do not take artificial sweeteners like nutrasweet, candarell and sweetex, as they reduce sperm count.
            To be continue....................................................

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Continuation of the important connection between water and good health

This is the continuation of the chronic diseases that can result from not drinking enough water. If you miss it, go to "connection between water and good health" .

     4. Asthma

             Water reduce the effects of asthma. Your bronchial tubes - the airways of your system need water to have moisture in order to prevent constriction. Asthmatics usually have elevated histamine level.

         Histamine is a neurotransmitter that causes the contraction of the muscles in the bronchial tubes, leading to symptoms of asthma. The study has shown that the production of histamine will decrease as water intake increases. Water is also an important treatment for allergies since allergies are associated with elevated histamine levels. Elevated histamine causes itchy eyes, nasal draining and other allergic symptoms.


            In the brain, cells may become dehydrated due to lack of adequate hydration. Without adequate water, the brain may not obtain nourishment, and it may not be able to properly eliminate waste matters. It is believe that long term dehydration may contribute to Alzheimer diseases. The brain is 75 percent water. can you see why you should never allow it to become dehydrated.


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Connection Between Water And Good Health

To better understand the essential connection between water and good health, lets look at the chronic diseases that can result from not taking enough water.

1. Arthritis

       Arthritis is characteristics by inflammation in the joint, especially the knee joint. At some point in life almost everyone is affected by arthritis or neck and back pain.

  Back or neck may be caused by disks wearing out sue to inadequate fluid within the disk. Our backs have disks between the vertebral bones that are made up of fibrous materials called annuls fibrous. This is filled with a jelly like substance called the nucleus pulposus. As much as 75 percent of the weight of our upper body is supported by the nucleus pulpos, which is the fluid inside the disk. Therefore, when our disks become dehydrated they are prone to herniate and develop degenerative diseases or arthritis.

 Cartilage provides the smoothy surface so that joints can glide easily during movement. Cartilage is about 80 percent water. As long as the cartilage is well hydrated, there is minimal frictional forces, and the joint remains healthy. However, if the cartilage is dehydrated, there will be increased frictional forces and thus more damage to the cartilage, leading to arthritis.

2. High Blood Pressure.

previously we indicated that the body rations to make certain the vital organs receive it first. If you miss it go to "the deficit danger|". However, when that happens, the flow of water may be constricted to other areas of the body in order to pump blood to these vital areas first. What is the result? your arteries may eventually become constricted, driving your blood pressure up. Simply by increasing our intake of water, we help to open up our arteries, thus preventing a rise in blood pressure.

   The best treatment available for high blood pressure is water instead of the medication to open up or dilate these passage ways provided it is detected early and the person has a very good kidney.

3. Ulcers.

Maintaining the proper water level can greatlyrelieve ulcer diseses.

      The person who is not drinking the recommended amount of water daily is existing in a water deficit, because the body rations the water to our vital organs first. There may not be enough water left to rehydrate the mucous layer in our stomach, which is 98 percent water. The mucous layer protects us against stomach acid, The layer also contains bicarbonate which neutralizes the stomach acids. When we drink water, the mucous layer becomes much thicker, preventing the acid from burning the stomach lining.

    Remember, it is water, not expensive medicine, that provides lasting relief from ulcers.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Deficit Danger

When the average rainfall is inadequate in a year consequently, crops will fail and trees wiil die because of this shortage.

Do you realize the same thing can be happening to you because you are 'water deficient" as a result of not drinking enough water, you wont have sufficient fluid in your tissues, and you may become chronically dehydrated.

 When our body become chronically dehydrated it begins to ration our water. If the warning signals like headache are ignored or you take medicine instead of the liquids they need, serious problems begin to surface. To be specific, we can begin to develop rectal diseases- irritable bowl diverticulosis, chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

  Lack of this vital element also contribute to varicose veins, heart diseases, arthritis, back and neck pain, asthma, allergies, ulcers, headache. memory loss, high cholesterol and even kidney stone.

                   A CRY FOR HELP!

 Here is why an adequate supply of water is critical. Every function of the body is related to the flow of blood that carries nutrients, hormones and other elements to the tissues. The nutrients first go to the vital organs, your heart, brain, livers, kidneys and lungs.

Follow this closely. The shortage of intake will cause loss of water volume in the cell, which affects the efficiency of delivering nutrients and excreting water products. What is the result? we don't have enough nutrients in the cells, and we have more waste collecting in those same cells.

Imagine that the symptoms occurring from chronic dehydration are expressed by the body's crying out "HELP! I'm thirsty. I desperately need water!".

According to Dr Colbert, for most people, the symptoms are detected by their doctor. However, instead of treating the patients with water, the physician often writes out a prescription, and you, the patient rush to your nearest pharmacy. The medicine turns your "signal for help" off and temporarily noticing, you become trapped in a cycle that grows worse and worse. You take a pill for one condition, and something else starts failing. You get prescription for that, and a third symptoms occurs. For most conditions, drugs are not needed look inward. Taking those drugs that suppress symptoms face the reality, your body is seriously crying for water not medicine.



Sunday, 12 October 2014


What is the most important nutrients in our body? this was the question somebody asked me when i was conducting a health seminar. Without hesitation i answered, "WATER". Its the main transport media of the body that delivers nutrients to all the cells. Its also essential to digestion helping us absorb, assimilate and eliminate. Your body can exists about five weeks without food, but the average person can only live about five days without water. It is a statement of fact that.....
   1. Your body is about 75 percent water
   2. Your muscle are about 75 percent water
   3. Your brain is about 75 percent water
   4. Your blood is approximately 82 percent water
   5. Your bones are approximately 25 percent water.
Every cell in your body depends on water to function properly.
   The national research councils recommends approximately 8-10 glasses per day for women, and 10-12 glasses a day for men. Yet it is disturbing to know that most people do not drink one cup of water a day, let alone the amount they truly need.
 You say "that's a large quantity. I could never drink that much!" fortunately, you are already one-third of the way toward the objective simply by the foods you eat. You absorb about one quarter of water in your daily routine.
For example, apples are 80 percent water, tomatoes are 95 percent water, while banana are over 70 percent water.
A gorrilla don't drink water, yet he is getting his daily liquid requirements from the large quantities of food he ingest.
Starch processed foods , such has fast food, a backed potato, cooked meats and most fats contains very little water. So if these are your main sources, your intake is deficients. However, if you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, you are likely getting your one- quarter mimimum. Im addition to your food, you need extra water and if you live in a warm climate, a little more.
Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea and sodas do not meet your daily water requirements, for caffeine is a diuretic and actually causes you yo lose water.
The key to good health is to stay close to nature. Next  is "The deficit danger"

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Some scary side effects of sugar to human body

1. Sugar increases the risk of breast cancer
2. Sugar induces salt and water retention
3. Sugar contributed to mild memory loss
4. Sugar is a risk factor in small intestine cancer
5. Sugar can induce cell death
6. Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure
7. Sugar can slow the ability of the adrenal gland to function
8. Sugar can cut off oxygen to the brain when given to people intravenously
9. Sugar can cause epileptic seizures
10. Sugar causes constipation
11. Sugar can cause brain decay in pre- diabetic and diabetic woman
12. Sugar can cause metabolic syndrome
13. Sugar increases neural tube defects in embrayol when consumed by pregnant woman
14. Sugar increase the chance of getting irritable bowl syndrome
15. Sugar make many essential nutrients less available to cells
16. Sugar can decrease testosterone production
17. sugar can lead to prostrate cancer
18. Sugar can cause a woman to give birth to babies with low birth weight
19. Sugar is associated with a serious schizophrenia
20. Sugar can cause asthma
21. Sugar can cause liver tumors
22. Sugar can cause renal cell cancer
23. Sugar increases the risk of polio
24. Sugar dehydrates n
25. Sugar can rise homocysteine levels in the blood stream
26. Sugar increases the chance of getting irritable bowl syndrome
27. Sugar can cause cataracts
28. Sugar increase uric acid in blood
29. Sugar can cause fatigues, moodiness, nervousness and depression
30. Sugar can cause cancer of the rectum.
          One of the key to enjoy good health is to apply moderation to all our doing!

Friday, 10 October 2014

Eat less, live longer!

Animals, including human beings that are fed with 30% fewer calories live longer. Why? animals including human beings use oxygen to burn fats and carbohydrates to produce energy. But energy production makes free radicals molecules that attack cell. Most of the times, our cells clear or mop up these free radicals, but this becomes less efficients as ones get older in age. The hungry animal or human being live longer because they are burning less food and so making fewer free radicals. REDUCE YOUR CALORIES INTAKE AND LIVE LONGER.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Never Give Your Kids These Foods* Luncheon Meats
     Bologna, smoked ham, and even roast beef are not healthy for the kids. If you packed meat for kids everyday, you're packing them with a very dangerous and toxic food which increase the risk of heart diseases and cancer.
*  Juices
      You may think juice is great for our kids, it is bad for children. Not all juice actually contain vitamins. The high sugar content can be a problem for their teeth.
* Processed Food
     These foods are bad for both children and even the parent. Processed foods are in general less healthy. They usually contain more salt or fat
* Soda
     Soda is a non nutritional choice, generally packed with chemical ingredients
* Sports And Vitamin Drinks
     It has a lot of empty calories. They likely don't need.

Nerver Give Your Kids These Foods

Monday, 7 April 2014

Important Tips For Healthy LIving

A healthy diet or a healthy meal plan can help you towards meeting your healthy living goals.

Live Your Life With A Purpose.

You need goals and mottos to live life to the fullest. Achieving these goals and living up to your mottos will give you a sense of bliss and happiness. Achieving this bliss like state is a step to healthy living.

Prepare Your Meal.

Learning to cook with natural and fresh produce is a major help towards healthy living. This healthy tip is a filter that helps you consume fresh vegetables, skip processed food, reduce salt and oil and find healthy ways of cooking. Preparing your meal will help you cut down on lifestyle diseases like heart problems and unhealthy weight gain.

Avoid Sugary Foods.

This is like taking candy from children. In hindsight, it is not a bad idea, especially with the increasing number of young adults developing diabetes . Refined sugar has no vitamins or minerals, it only adds sweetness to the dish.

Improve Your Posture

It is important to improve your posture, these are the healthy benefits for good posture;

* Help the organs to function properly , especially digestion

* Avoid back pain and neck pain

* Improve concentration.

Carry Water And Drink Enough Water.

Your body needs water to function properly and efficiently. Water helps the body in a big way to flush out all waste from the body . Water has several health benefits ; it is as long as your shopping list. Stay hydrated with water than opting for packaged bottle of juices, energy drink or aerated drink.
Improve Your Eating Habits
While eating, there are few pointers that get sidelined but plays a vital role in healthy living. These are some of the healthy tips while eating for healhy livinggg.
* Eating in small proportions
* Eat in a smaller plate to reduce the consumption of food
* Eat slow, it will help in digestion and give you a satiated feeling
* Stop eating when you are full.
 Exercise All Muscle Group
When you exercise it is important to flex different muscle groups in your body. Most  of us opt for cardioworkouts which only has cardiovascular benefits. For example, running can burn calories, improve stamina in you legs and tone muscles. What about the rest of the body?
  Pick Exercise You Love.
It is important to select an exercise or workout routine that you enjoy, this  will only help you stick to your fitness goals.
Get Sufficient Sleep
Sleep is important for healthy living. Lack of sleep is one of the causes for the onset of lifestyle diseases. Life is too short, but you need to sleep and get sufficient rest for your body is recuperating.
Take A Deep breathe.
A hectic schedule leaves no room for a breather . Stress can lead to lifestyle diseases like cancer and insomia which can send your world spiraling out of control. When stressed , take a deep breathe, do this couple of times. Slow deep breathing exercise are a great way to pump up low energy levels and concentration.

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Friday, 4 April 2014

Eat Some Carrots

Forget about vitamin A.with this orange crunchy power food, you get vitamin A and a host of other powerful health benefits including beautiful skin, cancer prevention, and anti aging.
      Benefits of Carrots improved vision.
Western cultures understanding of carrots being good for eye is one of the few we got right. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision.
  Beta carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and serile cataracts. A study found that people who eat the most beta carotene had 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little.
      Cancer Prevention.
Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Researchers have just discovered falcarinol and falcarindiol whish they feel cause the anticancer properties.
  Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only common sources of this compound. A study showed one out of three lower cancer risk by carrrot eating mice.
     Anti Aging.
  The high level of beta carotene acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It helps slow down the aging of cells.
   Healthy Glowing skin.
  Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, and uneven skin.
  A powerful Antiseptic
Carrots are known to prevents infection.

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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Continuations of health problems related to what people eat

GOITER [Swelling or mass of throat].
 A goiter is a swelling or large mass on the throat that result from abnormal growth of a gland called thyroid.
    Most goiters are caused by lack of iodine in the diet. Also,a lack of iodine in a pregnant woman's  diet sometimes causes babies to die or be born mentally slow and or deaf [cretinism]. They can happen even through the mother does not have a goiter.
How to prevent or cure a goiter and prevent cretism .
Everyone living in areas where people get goiters should use iodized salt. Use of iodized salt  prevents the common kind of goiter and will help many goiters go away. Eating crab and other seafood can do some good because they contain iodine.Mixing a little seaweed with food also add iodine. But the easiest way is to use iodized salt. Avoid eating much cassava if you are in an area where goiters are common.
Persons with diabetes have much sugar in their blood. This can start when a person is young [juvenile diabetes] or older [adult diabetes]. It is usually more serious in young people and they need special medicine [insulin] to control it. But it is common in people over 40 who eat too much and get fat.
   When a person gets diabetes after he/she is 40years it can often be best controlled without medicines, by eating correctly. The diabetic persons diet is very important and must be followed carefully for life.
The diabetics; fat people with diabetes should lose weight until the weight is normal. Diabetics person must not eat any sugar or sweets or foods that taste sweet.It is important for them to eat lots of high fiber foods, such as whole grain breads. They should also eat some other starchy foods like, beans, rice, and potatoes, and also food high in protein.

Monday, 31 March 2014

Health Problems Related To What People Eat

Special diets are the best prevention and treatment for certain diseases.
     A person who has hard stools and has not had a bowel movement for 3 or more days is said to be constipated. Constipation is often caused by poor diet[especially not eating enough fruits, green vegetables, or foods with natural fiber like wholegrain bread] or lack of exercise.
 Drinking more water and eating more fruits, vegetables, and foods with natural fiber like whole grain bread, wheat bran, carrots, turnips, raisins, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, is better than using laxatives.It also helps to add a little oil to food each day.
 A person who has not had a bowel movement for 4 or more days, if he does not have a sharp pain in his stomach, can take a mild salt laxatives like milk of magnesia.
     Acid indigestion and heartburn often come from eating too much heavy or greasy food or from drinking too much alcohol or coffee.These make the stomach produce extra acid, which causes discomfort or a burning feeling in the stomach or  mild chest. Some people mistake the chest pain, called the heartburn for a heart problem rather than indigestion. If the pain gets worse when lying down , it is probably heartburn.
 frequent acid indigestion is warning sign of an ulcer.
An ulcer is a chronic sore in the stomach or small intestine, caused by too much acid. It may cause a chronic, dull sometimes sharp pain in the pit of the stomach. As with acid indigestion, often the pain lessens when the personeats food or drink a lot water.
 If ulcer is severe, it can cause vomiting, sometimes with fresh blood, or with digested blood that looks like coffee grounds
 Prevention and treatment.
 Whether stomach or chest pain is caused by heartburn, acid indigestion, or an ulcer, a few basic recommendations will probably help calm the pain and prevent it from coming back.
* Do not eat too much.. Eat small meals and eat frequent snacks between meals . Eat mainly foods that seem calm and not cause pain.
* Notice what foods or drinks make pain worse and avoid them. These usually include alcoholic drinks, coffee, spices, pepper, carbonlateddrinks, and fatty or greasy food.
* Drinks a lot of water.. try to drink 2 big glasses of water both before and after each meals. Also drinks a lot of water frequently before meals. If the pain comes often, keep drinking water like this, even in those times you have no pain.
* Avoid tobacco . Smoking or chewing tobacco increase stomach acid and makes the problem worse.
TO BE CONTINUE.............

Friday, 28 March 2014

Our Diet Impacts Our Health And Vitality

Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and fish can optimise health.
  Global health crisis;The incidence of chronic disease is higher than ever before. This can be attributed largely to the state of many of our diets that are woefully in adequate in nutrient whole foods.
  * 90% of us don't eat the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables
  *  70% of us admit to eating foods that actually contribute to poor health.
   * Less than serving of whole grains is consumed daily; many don't consume that much.
   * Some food processing steps have stripped protective lipids and steroids from certain whole grain products to increase their shelf life.
   * Many don't eat fish due to concerns about the presence of heavy metals and contaminants.
 The reality is that most of us have turned over wellness Pyramids upside down! we re getting too much of the wrong stuff and not enough of the right stuff.
 The good news is that the problem and the solution both seem to be in the food we eat. Weight management, physical activity, and eating a nutrient rich diet that includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and fish can optimise our health and vitality.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Nutritional Keys For Lifelong Eye Health

Whole food nutrition, phytonutrients in particular, continue to draw attention at the crossroads between food, health, and disease. The amount of nutrients present in your diet is a critical predictor of your future health and risk of disease. This notion is gaining more traction against some sceptics as research backing it continues to mount.
  Since the early days when nutritional science first began [around 1900] we have had an understanding that nutrition is important for vision. For the vast majority of that time, however, the only connection made was with vitamin A preventing night blindness.
 Mother and grandmothers seemed to know this long before the scientists eventually proved them right. It turns out that vitamin A, technically known as retinol, is needed by the retina for both light sensitivity and colour vision, for several decades that relationship of nutrition to eye health seemed to be the only one science was willing to accept.
 For more than a decade there has been a revolution in our  understanding of the broader connection of nutrition to lifelong eye health and visual acuity. It is now well accepted and understood that eye is a unique organ faced with challenges that no other organ faces.
  Like essentially everything else in the body,how well the eye deals with these challenges and provides us with the essential ability to see clearly, is know to be dependent upon  a wide array of whole food nutrients that  our diet are supposed to provide.
 Science is now showing us which nutrients we need to protect our eyesight and what happens when we don't have enough of them. Here is some of the very latest science telling us about how to plan for lifelong healthy.
  Eyes And Vision
Like everything else in the body, vision is nutrient dependent. A good diet promotes good long term visual health while a poor diet tends to undermine that.
 In your plan to ripe old age don't overlook this key nutrition knowledge; when it comes to clear, crisp lifelong matter.
 Probably everyone has heard the vitamin A is important for night vision. You may even know that vitamin C  and E protect against clouding of the lens, or that the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are particularly important to the health of the retina and may protect against age related macular degeneration[AMD]. But the latest vision health discoveries confirm omega 3 fatty acids may be protective against AMD. This powerful evidence reinforces the fact that diet is the strongest tool we can all use to help ourselves and our family  live long, healthy, and fully functional lives.
 The message is clear. Those sahealthmatas111.blogspot.comme whole food nutrients that may fend of chronic disease and maximize our physical and mental functionality throughout  our lives may also protect and promote our most precious sensory system, our eyesight. My recommendations for everyone are simple. Make sure you eat as much fruit, vegetables, whole grains and fish as you can.

Optimising Health through Nutrition In Every Stage Of Life

More than just a serving to provide fuel for everyday energy vitality, the impact of good nutrition on health continues to be validated and strengthen by latest science.We now have a much a better understanding of the role certain nutrient play in optimizing wellness. Research has also helped us understand and the impact of nutrition on both acute and chronic diseases. We know that both dietary excesses and deficiencies are linked to various health conditions. Epidemiologic studies have shown that when certain nutrients are low in diet we are at elevated risk of disease. Conversely, when they are abundant, risk of disease is diminished. And to make matters worse, as we age we tend to absorb nutrients from food less efficiently. High fat diet are established risk factors for the development of chronic disease

Monday, 24 March 2014


Enzymes often hold the key to better health. They are considered the" missing link" in health rebuilding.In the delicate, elaborate electrochemical laboratory that is your body, each and every element is vital for smooth running efficiency.
 Enzymes are tiny elements that may be even more valuable to body health than the other nutrients.
  We know that enzymes are found in the living cells.
    Enzymes enter into digestive functions,
* Help transform raw materials into body cells
* Store glycogen in the liver into body cells
* Change carbohydrates into fats
* Then transform protein into sugar and fats
* They work to help to dispose the waste products of digestion and
* Enter into every activity to help maintain life processes
Every cell of the body has some 1000 enzymes. Every moment throughout your body, about two million biochemical reactions take place that require the use of enzymes for motility. A deficiency of anyone enzyme can create nutritional upheaval to weaken and break the chain of interrelated health .
  Specially, enzymes are body catalysts that is, they speed up a biochemical reaction that would otherwise proceed at a much slower rate, if it would proceed at all.
  Nature has placed enzymes into raw foods but most food are cooked. Therefore, when the temperature of cooking water or heat reaches over 40c, the enzymes are destroyed.
 It is wise to eat as many raw food and vegetables as possible so as to obtain an adequate amount of enzymes. Many people do not eat enough raw food and if at all they eat, they dont eat them rightly and are  thus enzyme deficient.
 Many others need supplement to help meet the challenges of daily living. Enzymes should be part of the supplement program for improved health.

Realizing The Value of Water and Excercise

  Water is your most vital nutrient.Water makes up about 60% of our body weight. The national research council recommends approximately 8-10 glasses per day for women and 10-12 glasses a day from men.
    You need water for several bodily functions;
 * Every cell in your body depends on water to function properly
*  Water is part of the chemical structure of compounds that form the cells, tissues and organs of the body.
*   Water support your kidneys in their role in protein matabolism
*   Water is also important for proper elimination. Constipation can often be avoided by simply increasing one s water intake
*    Water provides satiety value and helps one to feel full. Scientific studies have demonstrated that people eat fewer kilojoules at meals when they make food choices, which have higher water content.
*    Water is also known to help remove toxins from your system, keep the skin clearer, assist nutrient absorption, help reduce headaches etc.
* Have a glass of water upon awaking in the morning
* Drink water with every meal regardless of other beverages you may drink
* For every caffeinated beverage you drink, have a glass of water. Caffeine dehydrates, and can make you excrete more water than you take in.
* At home or at work, keep a glass of water nearby and drink from it often.
* Drink 250ml of water every 15minutes you exercise.
 It is critically important to exercise in reaching your goal weight. No matter what your age, weight, physical limitations or current level of activity, virtually everyone can exercise in some way. Exercise benefits you physically, mentally and psychologically.
* Increase fat burning capabilities and metabolic rate during and after exercise.
* Builds cardiovascular endurance. Can help reduce risk of plaque buildup and heart disease
* May help increase HDL" GOOD" cholesterol and lower triglycerides.
* Improve flexibility
* Helps control appetite
* Can help reduce risk of colon cancer
* Help control blood sugar {glucose}levels, especially in those at risk of diabetes
* Help improve bone density and reduce risk of osteoporosis
* Increase energy
* Enhances mood and helps manage stress
* Promotes sound sleep
* Promotes better overall circulation
* Boosts self confidence
* Helps you achieve long term weight loss goals.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Healing Without Medicine

For most sickness no medicines are needed. Our bodies have their own defense, or natural way to resist and fight diseases. In most cases, these natural defense are far more important to our health than the medicines.
 To help the body fight off or overcome a sickness, often all that is needed is to;
* Keep clean
* Get plenty of rest
* Eat well and drink a lot of liquid. 
     Even in a case of more serious illness, when a medicine may be needed, it is cleanliness, rest, and nutritious food are still very important.
   Much of the art of health care does not and should not depend on use of medications. If people simply learned how to use WATER correctly, this alone might do more to prevent and cure illness than all the medicines we use and misuse. 

The most dangerous misuse of medicine

Here a few list of the most common and dangerous errors people make i using modern medicines.The improper use of the following  medicines causes many death each year according statistics.Be careful!
        The popular use of this medicines for simple diarrhea and other mild sickness is extremely unfortunate, because it is so risky. Use chloramphenicol only for very severe illness, like typhoid. Never give it to newborn infant.
*      Oxytocin, Ergometrine and Pitocin
           Unfortunately , some midwives use these medicines to speed up childbirth, or gives strength to the mother in labor. This practices is very dangerous. It can kill the mother or the child. Use these medicines only to control bleeding after the child is born.
*      Penicillin works only against certain types of infections. Using penicillin for sprains, bruises, cold  or any pain or fever is a great mistake. As a general rule, injuries that do not break the skin even if they make large bruises, have no danger of infection; they do not need to e treated with penicillin or any antibiotics.
Penicillin is dangerous for some people. Before using it, know its risk and the precaution you must take.
  Kenamycin and Gentamicin
    Too much use of these antibiotics for babies has caused permanent  hearing loss(deafness) in million babies. Give to babies only for life threatening infections of newborn, ampicillin works as well and is much less dangerous.
* Combination medicines
     Sometimes, two or more medicines are combined in the same pill or tonic.
Sometimes they do more harm than good. Do not waste your money on them.
  Try to avoid
* cough medicines which both suppress cough, and loosen mucus to encourage coughing.
* Antibiotics combined with anti diarrhea medicine.
* Pain cures with two medicine doing the same thing.Such as aspirin with paracetamol.
* Injections of any medicine
    The common belief that injections are usually better than medicine taken by mouth is not true. Many times medicine taken by mouth work as well or better than injection. Also, most medicines is more dangerous injected than when taken by mouth. Use of injection should be very limited.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Right and Wrong use of Modern Medicine.

Some medicines sold in pharmacies stores can be very useful.Others are of no value.Also,people sometimes use the best medicines in the wrong way,so that they do more harm than good.To be helpful,medicine must be used correctly.
 Many people,including most doctors and health workers,prescribe far more medicines than are needed and by so doing cause much needless sickness and death.

Sensible and Limited use of Medicine

A few modern medicines are very important and can save life.But no medicines is needed for most sickness.Our body itself can usually fight off sickness with rest,good food,and perhaps some simple home remedies.If diet is wrong,medicine is of no use.If diet is right,medicine is of no need.
  People depend on medicine they do not need forgetting that,there is no medicine that does not have some risk in its use.
 Three common health problems for which people require medicines they do not need are[a]The common cold,[b]Minor cough and[c]Diarrhea.
 The common cold is best treated by resting,drinking lots of liquids,and at the same,most taking aspirin,tetracycline,and other antibiotics do not help at all.
 For minor coughs or even more severe coughs with think mucus or phlegm,drinking a lot of water will loosen mucus and ease the cough faster and better than cough syrup.Also breathing warm vapour brings greater relief than depending on cough syrup or other medicines that we do not need
 When some medicines are used too often for minor problems,they loose their power to fight dangerous sickness.Medicines are often used too much,both by doctors and ordinary people.This is unfortunate for main reasons.
1.It is wasteful
2.It make people depend on something they do not need and often cannot afford.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

do you know?if your diet is wrong,medicine is of no use...if diet is right.medicine is of no need...aired your view on it.most of the health crisis we face nowadays is as a result of what we feed are what you eating, at the same time.,you are as good as what you eat.According to word health organization,we are to consume 5% of carbohydrate,15% of proteins,30% of fruits and vegetables and50% of whole grains..the questions is,how do you eat?do you eating accordingly or the other way round?