Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Continuations of health problems related to what people eat

GOITER [Swelling or mass of throat].
 A goiter is a swelling or large mass on the throat that result from abnormal growth of a gland called thyroid.
    Most goiters are caused by lack of iodine in the diet. Also,a lack of iodine in a pregnant woman's  diet sometimes causes babies to die or be born mentally slow and or deaf [cretinism]. They can happen even through the mother does not have a goiter.
How to prevent or cure a goiter and prevent cretism .
Everyone living in areas where people get goiters should use iodized salt. Use of iodized salt  prevents the common kind of goiter and will help many goiters go away. Eating crab and other seafood can do some good because they contain iodine.Mixing a little seaweed with food also add iodine. But the easiest way is to use iodized salt. Avoid eating much cassava if you are in an area where goiters are common.
Persons with diabetes have much sugar in their blood. This can start when a person is young [juvenile diabetes] or older [adult diabetes]. It is usually more serious in young people and they need special medicine [insulin] to control it. But it is common in people over 40 who eat too much and get fat.
   When a person gets diabetes after he/she is 40years it can often be best controlled without medicines, by eating correctly. The diabetic persons diet is very important and must be followed carefully for life.
The diabetics; fat people with diabetes should lose weight until the weight is normal. Diabetics person must not eat any sugar or sweets or foods that taste sweet.It is important for them to eat lots of high fiber foods, such as whole grain breads. They should also eat some other starchy foods like, beans, rice, and potatoes, and also food high in protein.

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