Saturday, 11 October 2014

Some scary side effects of sugar to human body

1. Sugar increases the risk of breast cancer
2. Sugar induces salt and water retention
3. Sugar contributed to mild memory loss
4. Sugar is a risk factor in small intestine cancer
5. Sugar can induce cell death
6. Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure
7. Sugar can slow the ability of the adrenal gland to function
8. Sugar can cut off oxygen to the brain when given to people intravenously
9. Sugar can cause epileptic seizures
10. Sugar causes constipation
11. Sugar can cause brain decay in pre- diabetic and diabetic woman
12. Sugar can cause metabolic syndrome
13. Sugar increases neural tube defects in embrayol when consumed by pregnant woman
14. Sugar increase the chance of getting irritable bowl syndrome
15. Sugar make many essential nutrients less available to cells
16. Sugar can decrease testosterone production
17. sugar can lead to prostrate cancer
18. Sugar can cause a woman to give birth to babies with low birth weight
19. Sugar is associated with a serious schizophrenia
20. Sugar can cause asthma
21. Sugar can cause liver tumors
22. Sugar can cause renal cell cancer
23. Sugar increases the risk of polio
24. Sugar dehydrates n
25. Sugar can rise homocysteine levels in the blood stream
26. Sugar increases the chance of getting irritable bowl syndrome
27. Sugar can cause cataracts
28. Sugar increase uric acid in blood
29. Sugar can cause fatigues, moodiness, nervousness and depression
30. Sugar can cause cancer of the rectum.
          One of the key to enjoy good health is to apply moderation to all our doing!

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