Monday, 24 March 2014


Enzymes often hold the key to better health. They are considered the" missing link" in health rebuilding.In the delicate, elaborate electrochemical laboratory that is your body, each and every element is vital for smooth running efficiency.
 Enzymes are tiny elements that may be even more valuable to body health than the other nutrients.
  We know that enzymes are found in the living cells.
    Enzymes enter into digestive functions,
* Help transform raw materials into body cells
* Store glycogen in the liver into body cells
* Change carbohydrates into fats
* Then transform protein into sugar and fats
* They work to help to dispose the waste products of digestion and
* Enter into every activity to help maintain life processes
Every cell of the body has some 1000 enzymes. Every moment throughout your body, about two million biochemical reactions take place that require the use of enzymes for motility. A deficiency of anyone enzyme can create nutritional upheaval to weaken and break the chain of interrelated health .
  Specially, enzymes are body catalysts that is, they speed up a biochemical reaction that would otherwise proceed at a much slower rate, if it would proceed at all.
  Nature has placed enzymes into raw foods but most food are cooked. Therefore, when the temperature of cooking water or heat reaches over 40c, the enzymes are destroyed.
 It is wise to eat as many raw food and vegetables as possible so as to obtain an adequate amount of enzymes. Many people do not eat enough raw food and if at all they eat, they dont eat them rightly and are  thus enzyme deficient.
 Many others need supplement to help meet the challenges of daily living. Enzymes should be part of the supplement program for improved health.

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