Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Deficit Danger

When the average rainfall is inadequate in a year consequently, crops will fail and trees wiil die because of this shortage.

Do you realize the same thing can be happening to you because you are 'water deficient" as a result of not drinking enough water, you wont have sufficient fluid in your tissues, and you may become chronically dehydrated.

 When our body become chronically dehydrated it begins to ration our water. If the warning signals like headache are ignored or you take medicine instead of the liquids they need, serious problems begin to surface. To be specific, we can begin to develop rectal diseases- irritable bowl diverticulosis, chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

  Lack of this vital element also contribute to varicose veins, heart diseases, arthritis, back and neck pain, asthma, allergies, ulcers, headache. memory loss, high cholesterol and even kidney stone.

                   A CRY FOR HELP!

 Here is why an adequate supply of water is critical. Every function of the body is related to the flow of blood that carries nutrients, hormones and other elements to the tissues. The nutrients first go to the vital organs, your heart, brain, livers, kidneys and lungs.

Follow this closely. The shortage of intake will cause loss of water volume in the cell, which affects the efficiency of delivering nutrients and excreting water products. What is the result? we don't have enough nutrients in the cells, and we have more waste collecting in those same cells.

Imagine that the symptoms occurring from chronic dehydration are expressed by the body's crying out "HELP! I'm thirsty. I desperately need water!".

According to Dr Colbert, for most people, the symptoms are detected by their doctor. However, instead of treating the patients with water, the physician often writes out a prescription, and you, the patient rush to your nearest pharmacy. The medicine turns your "signal for help" off and temporarily noticing, you become trapped in a cycle that grows worse and worse. You take a pill for one condition, and something else starts failing. You get prescription for that, and a third symptoms occurs. For most conditions, drugs are not needed look inward. Taking those drugs that suppress symptoms face the reality, your body is seriously crying for water not medicine.



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