What is the most important nutrients in our body? this was the question somebody asked me when i was conducting a health seminar. Without hesitation i answered, "WATER". Its the main transport media of the body that delivers nutrients to all the cells. Its also essential to digestion helping us absorb, assimilate and eliminate. Your body can exists about five weeks without food, but the average person can only live about five days without water. It is a statement of fact that.....
1. Your body is about 75 percent water
2. Your muscle are about 75 percent water
3. Your brain is about 75 percent water
4. Your blood is approximately 82 percent water
5. Your bones are approximately 25 percent water.
Every cell in your body depends on water to function properly.
The national research councils recommends approximately 8-10 glasses per day for women, and 10-12 glasses a day for men. Yet it is disturbing to know that most people do not drink one cup of water a day, let alone the amount they truly need.
You say "that's a large quantity. I could never drink that much!" fortunately, you are already one-third of the way toward the objective simply by the foods you eat. You absorb about one quarter of water in your daily routine.
For example, apples are 80 percent water, tomatoes are 95 percent water, while banana are over 70 percent water.
A gorrilla don't drink water, yet he is getting his daily liquid requirements from the large quantities of food he ingest.
Starch processed foods , such has fast food, a backed potato, cooked meats and most fats contains very little water. So if these are your main sources, your intake is deficients. However, if you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, you are likely getting your one- quarter mimimum. Im addition to your food, you need extra water and if you live in a warm climate, a little more.
Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea and sodas do not meet your daily water requirements, for caffeine is a diuretic and actually causes you yo lose water.
The key to good health is to stay close to nature. Next is "The deficit danger"
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