Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Overcooking of your food can kill it. Dr. Nancy Appleton PHD. Tell us that the more food is cooked, the more difficult it becomes to digest and metabolize. She says that the higher the temperature that food is cooked, the longer it stays in our gut and the more difficult it becomes for our digestive mechanism to digest it. Dr. Edward Howell is also another researcher and he devoted nearly his entire life in researching enzymes. He found that when food is cooked at temperature exceeding 118 degrees for thirty minutes, almost all the enzymes in the food are destroyed. These enzymes are the living parts of the food. Our bodies are forced to draw upon our metabolic enzymes.... the raw materials that rebuilds our bodies when our food is cooked until the enzymes  have been lost. As a result of consuming food that lacks enzymes, we start to degenerate which can lead to heart diseases, hypertension, arthritis, trauma or infection, immune problems that may lead to cancer.


Francis pottenger found that every food has a temperature point at which every food changes its chemical configuration. Pasteurization, deep frying and high heat barbecuing are all forms of cooking where foods is heated past this heat point. He said that when this happens our body does not have the enzymes to digest the food easily. When our food does not digest properly several things happen.

1. It sits in our gut and starts to become toxic

2. Candida and other pathogens start to grow

3. The cells on the linning of the gastrointestinal tract began to enlage

4. Then, the putrefied, undigested or partially digested food slips into the blood stream. This is called the leaky gut syndrome or gut permeability.

    When this larger undigested or partially digested food gets into our blood stream, they are called free radicals, which leads to diseases and rapid aging.

    Our immune system comes to our aid. When these free radicals began multiplying, our immune system jumps into action. It starts making these undigested particled back into substances that our body can use or simply escorts them out of our body. In other words, our immune system is asked to do the job that our digestive system did not do.

   But our immune system was not designed to do this on a daily basis. So it becomes overwhelmed and the door is opened to infectious and degenerative diseases.

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