White flour is another food that deserves our attention. Here is why! Take a slice of white bread, place it in a small container and pour water on it. Almost instantly it becomes like a paste. Its like paste that you can hang wallpaper with it1
Do you realize that piece of white bread may be doing the same thing in your colon? The paste you are eating may gum up your colon - causing constipation.
The manner in which processed white bread is made should give you concern. First, outer shell is removed from the whole grain with healthy fiber and its vitamins. Next, the germ is extracted. It contains the majority of the nutrients - vitamin E, and B vitamins and minerals. Both the shell (fiber) and the germ are marketed health food stores, which speaks volumes.
What remains is the endosperm, or starch, which is ground into fine powder. But since its not white, they add bleaching agents. The nutritional value is practically zero, so they add some inexpensive cheap vitamins and minerals. If there is any life remaining, they cook it out, then market the remains as" enriched bread"
The product advertised to build strong bodies can do just the opposite. When you are replacing your cells with white breads, you are constructing a fragile dwelling place. We need to remember that breads, pasta and white rice are starches and are converted to sugars in our body. When you choose bread, be sure it contains the whole grains or the" word whole grains" are on the label. It is the only way you'll receive the "goodness" that is processed out of most bread. Also look for brown rice and whole grain pasta.
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Monday, 9 March 2015
The next killer food is white flour. But flour is made from wheat, so how can that be bad for you? Lets look at how white flour is made.
The first thing they do with a natural grain of wheat is strip off the outer shell (or bran) because that leaves undesirable, little brown specks in the flour- and we certainly cant have that!. The next thing they remove is wheat germ, which contains all the nutrients, but it gums up their machinery and turns rancid quite quickly. Ironically, you can buy wheat germ and bran in the health food stores because they are supposed to be good for you! What is left of the grain after all this processing is something called the endosperm, which they grind into a very fine power. But its not white enough yet, so they bleach it with something like Clorox. The result of this processing is a very fine white, bleached substances with no fiber and no nutrition.
But they cant admit all this on the label, so they introduce some cold- tar derived, chemically synthesized, artificial, inorganic, elemental, vitamin- like compounds- not the real things. They are potentially carcinogenic, but in the chemists lab they appear to have similar chemical composition of their natural counterparts. So now, the food manufacturer can say|"vitamin" "this"" vitamin" "that" in big, bold letter on the package. Legally, they can say "enriched" with what? vitamin substitutes without the necessary components found in whole foods can actually have detrimental effect on your system. They act somewhat like decoys, and the body cant utilize them properly. So this highly refined, white- flour product cannot properly feed a living cell within our bodies. Its just not good nutrition. But it does do something! That white sticky pastes mixes with saturated fats and create a pastes like coating on the walls of our large intestine and colon. These organs are supposed to be permeable so that nutrition from digested food can pass through into the blood streams, but with that plaster well, nutrients simply pass right through the colon and are eliminated.
People all over the world are eating huge numbers of calories, yet they are starving to death. And is it any wonder that we have epidermic of constipation problems in the world today? Many people have to go to store to buy laxatives just to blast through it all!! Hence you ever heard of constipated cow? They don't have a problem, and neither will we when we return to eating natures natural foods.
The first thing they do with a natural grain of wheat is strip off the outer shell (or bran) because that leaves undesirable, little brown specks in the flour- and we certainly cant have that!. The next thing they remove is wheat germ, which contains all the nutrients, but it gums up their machinery and turns rancid quite quickly. Ironically, you can buy wheat germ and bran in the health food stores because they are supposed to be good for you! What is left of the grain after all this processing is something called the endosperm, which they grind into a very fine power. But its not white enough yet, so they bleach it with something like Clorox. The result of this processing is a very fine white, bleached substances with no fiber and no nutrition.
But they cant admit all this on the label, so they introduce some cold- tar derived, chemically synthesized, artificial, inorganic, elemental, vitamin- like compounds- not the real things. They are potentially carcinogenic, but in the chemists lab they appear to have similar chemical composition of their natural counterparts. So now, the food manufacturer can say|"vitamin" "this"" vitamin" "that" in big, bold letter on the package. Legally, they can say "enriched" with what? vitamin substitutes without the necessary components found in whole foods can actually have detrimental effect on your system. They act somewhat like decoys, and the body cant utilize them properly. So this highly refined, white- flour product cannot properly feed a living cell within our bodies. Its just not good nutrition. But it does do something! That white sticky pastes mixes with saturated fats and create a pastes like coating on the walls of our large intestine and colon. These organs are supposed to be permeable so that nutrition from digested food can pass through into the blood streams, but with that plaster well, nutrients simply pass right through the colon and are eliminated.
People all over the world are eating huge numbers of calories, yet they are starving to death. And is it any wonder that we have epidermic of constipation problems in the world today? Many people have to go to store to buy laxatives just to blast through it all!! Hence you ever heard of constipated cow? They don't have a problem, and neither will we when we return to eating natures natural foods.
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Sodium chloride commonly known as table salt is the next among killer foods. Any white refined salt that you can pour, whether from an earth source or sea source, is almost 100 percent sodium chloride. Although the body does indeed require some sodium for survival, we get more than enough in its natural form though plant based foods such as celery and other vegetables.
Salt has been traditionally used as an antiseptic and food preservatives. That is because salt is toxic to living things, and it effectively kills bacteria and anything else exposed to it in higher concentrations. But for the same reasons, when we exceed our body's requirement for salt, we present a toxic substances that wreaks havoc in our system and in our cells.
Salt is a major contributor to arterial sclerosis - hardening of the arteries, which is a precursor to serious heart problems. Salt also raises the blood pressure . For a person with normal blood pressure, the recommended maximum daily salt limit is 240mg.
Do you know that one teaspoons of salt contains approximately 230mg?. Commercial cereals contain about 700 - 1,100 sodium(mg) per serving, hot dog about 1,100, salad dressing about 700 - 1,300, canned soup about 350 - 450, processed cheese contain about 1,189 of sodium.
A low sodium diet will reduce the risk of hypertension and its complications, kidney stones, stomach cancer, complications of congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, and osteoporosis.
Societies that ingest little or no salt have no hypertension, and when diets very low in salt such as a diet of fruits and vegetables are given to hypertensive patients, blood pressure usually falls towards normal.
So how should you season your foods? first, when you boil or heat food, you take most of the flavoring out, so most people have to put something back in to enhance the taste. Like many acquired tastes, folks simply develop an addiction to sodium, which perpetuates itself so food seems tasteless unless its loaded up with salty flavours.
But once you start to take food in their natural form, your taste buds will return to their natural state and true flavours of food will become wonderful again. Raw foods don't need salty seasonings to make them delicious, they have their own natural flavours. When you need to use salt, used unrefined sea salt.
Friday, 6 March 2015
Dairy products are just as dangerous to the body as meat- and what is this diary product? it is cow milk! you might say, there is nothing wrong with cow milk! you are right! there is absolutely nothing wrong with cow milk! in fact, God made that cow milk for baby cows! just like He mase goat milk for baby goats, and cat milk for cats etc.
So why don't humans choose to drink cat milk? i guess it was a little hard to get out of the cat ! by looking at the nature, how many animals in the wild drink the milk of another species of animals? we never seem to make the association that putting another animals custom fuel - blend into our bodies or our children's bodies may be the cause of the physical problems we experience. When you give cow milks (or formula or soy) to human babies, it can cause colic, ear infections, throat infections, swollen glands, allergies, asthma, and diaper trash. Why? Because its the wrong fuel for our species. Our creator brilliantly designed the proper fuel mix for every mammals on earth to come from the proper source for its newborn offspring- namely, the mothers breast of each individual baby.
How many animals in the wild pasteurize their milk? they don't do such. Pasteurization takes the temperature up to approximately 170 degrees, and at just 107 degrees, the enzymes within that milk start to breakdown and die. At 150 degrees, the proteins molecules start to derange. Any "good" bacteria or (probiotics) found in the raw milk is killed off along with the bad bacteria found in mass- milking procedures - so those benefits are also neutralized. The living enzymes in raw milk are necessary to allow organic calcium to hitch a ride to the bones and teeth, so pasteurization destroys even more of the nutritional value and changes the organic minerals into elemental minerals, a form that is toxic to the body.
Dairy products are filled with saturated butter, fat, which not only leads to heart diseases and diabetes, but also carries a huge dose of cancer causing pesticides, which the cows gather from the foods they eat. The pesticides eaten by animals while grazing are stored directly in the fat of the animal percent higher concentration than found in plants matter it ate. Consuming the fat from either the animals flesh is or its butterfat will deliver another supply of toxic substances directly to ones directly owned body. Besides the pesticides, other contains meat like bacteria anti -biotic, and growth hormones also find their way into the milk. The growth hormones gives to cows and other cooperates farm product like Poultry have been directly linked to an early onset of puberty in our current generation of children.
Cow milk is not designed to be food for humans; and all the toxic substances are injurious properties that are found in saturated fat in meat also apply for the butter fat found in diary products. All the physical problems meat the cause in your body will also be caused by diary, cheese, and yes, even eggs. one egg york has the cholesterol of a whole pound of beef.
friends, i realized it will be hard for you to change your eating habit. if you do, i know you will give thanks to God. Remember if diet is wrong, medicines is of no use, and if diet is right medicine is of no need.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
The single most destructive thing you can put into your body is something of an animal origin... BEEF, POULTRY, SEAFOOD, MILK, CHEESE, AND EGGS- anything that comes from something with a face. People who consume meat in excess are at high risk of heart disease and cancer.
We were taught to think we get out proteins from the animal flesh and calcium from diary. But, this is not absolutely true. If there is protein in the flesh of an animal, then where did all that protein comes from? it came directly from the grass it ate! if there is protein in the cows milk, it comes from the raw vegetation it ate. And when you eat the animal, you are getting the nutrients secondhand.
It may surprise you to learn that all fruits and vegetables contain protein and that vitamins and minerals come from raw fruits and vegetables.
Animal products are currently the cause of up to 90 percent of all physical problem experienced by people. The average person who consumes animal product put up into their body some 100 pounds of fat in one year. Because of the modern day techniques, today, beef is 20 to 40 percent fat, a chicken breast today, even if you remove the skin and broil it, still has very high fat content. This fat goes into the arterial system of the body, and it doesn't all come out. The fat collects onto the arterial walls. As the coating of fat starts to narrow the arteries, it causes the heart to pump harder in order to push the blood through all that crud. That elevates the blood pressure and ultimately leads to over one third of all deaths.
If you eliminate animal products from your diets, you eliminate the risk of experiencing a heart attack by 90 percent. If you don't consume animal products and you don't smoke, you reduce the risk of cancer almost immediately. If you don't consume animal products, you reduce the probability of adult onset diabetes to nearly zero. If you already have adult onset diabetes and you get the saturated fat out of your diet, you can usually get off insulin competely.
I heard from someone who have been dependent on insulin injections for 40 to 50 years. And when they changed their diet, they were able to completely stop taking insulin because their blood sugar settled in the normal range and this has happened in as little as two month!.
The benefit of a vegetarian diet was conducted by Dr. Max gerson, a doctor from Germany. Just after he finished medical school, he suffered from severe migraine that would incapacitated him at least three days a week. The fellow physicians he consulted said, when you reach forty - five or fifty five years of age, the headaches will go away. There is nothing they can do.
DR. Gerson turned to a study of nutrition to solve his problem. He began by saying if babies?" if babies drink milk, perhaps i should go on milk diet". He tried, but the headaches remained.
Next he looked at the diet of primates-- monkeys, in particular. They ate fruits,vegetables and nuts.
He said, let me start with just eating "apples". Immediately, the headaches disappeared. So, in a controlled study, he began adding one food at a time to the apples to see what would triggered his headaches- different s fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meats. If a headache appeared, he would eliminate that food from the list.
What resulted was the Gerson plan, which not only cured most migraines, but also resulted in dramatic improvement of many patients with cardiovascular diseases , arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Even some cancer went into remission. The diet is based on organic vegetable primary in juice form and excludes all animal proteins.
Another injury from meat based diet is the acidifying effects on our body's PH balance. The high volume of protein from meats causes an excess of acidity in our bodies, which greatly reduces the alkalinity of our bodies. The most acidifying foods are animal products like meat, poultry , fish, diary, and eggs. A heightened acidic content in bodily fluids is the ultimate environment for promoting diseases and ill health. This highly acidic condition is called acidosis and is prolonged cause may lead to acidemia and death.
Further evidence of widespread acidosis is the epidemic of osteoporosis today. You may wonder what is osteoporosis has to do with animal products, since osteoporosis is caused by calcium deficiency. So what is the causing the body to lose calcium?. The ideal PH in our body is 7.4 on the acid alkaline scale.
The body is always working on our behalf, trying to correct the things we are doing to it. If we keep throwing acid product in, the most alkaline substances in the greatest quantity in our bodies is called calcium , and so the body literally must go into the bone and teeth to extract enough calcium to neutralize the acidity caused by consumption of animal products and other things like soda . As a result, we eventually get osteoporosis. But when we stop putting the acid products into our bodies and we start on a diet high in raw vegetables and fruits, our bodies start to alkalize just as God originally planned it. If you stop consuming animal products and other acids producing foods, you reduce your risk of osteoporosis almost almost competely.
Animal products also cause injury to your digestive tract. If a person doesn't consume animal product s, he or she will reduce the risk of acid stomach problems almost 100 percent.
No more reflux1 other digestive problems also clear up from the liver, to the large intestine an d colon, to the kidneys and the urinary tract.
When you stop sowing bad things into our bodies, our organs will almost always, correct whatever physical injuries have been inflicted upon them.
But we've programmed to believe its never our fault; we are taught to fear germs and bacteria and we are told by our physical ailment are often in our genes. George malkus was told he had cancer because his mother had colon cancer- that it was genetic. But when he changed what he ate, the cancer went away. So was it in the gene? or was it in diet? its a huge question, and the answer will either put responsibility for your health in your own hands today...... literally, in the knife and fork you wield or in the hands of a surgeon tomorrow, who was taught to trust. And so, the first and foremost choice we must make if we want to get well, is to stop doing what created the problem. Consuming animal product is the number one culprit.
Note: I am not on a crusade to have the world stop eating meat. However, people with heart diseases, arthritis, cancer, psoriasis or some other degenerative diseases need to know this information and should at least limit their meat intake.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
The concept of acid versus alkaline foods can be tricky to comprehend at first, but its very important to know this how this relates to that you put into your body. You see, a healthy body is mostly alkaline balanced.
Foods like meat, cheese, white flour products caffeine and alcohol create toxins the body must deal with. When these foods are consumed, diseases start forming, the colon becomes clogged, the bloods PH balance, which should be 7.35 to 7.4, moves more toward acidic, and cells become deprived of oxygen and other nutrients. The result is gradual and inevitable physical deterioration .
The following are some of the acidic and alkaline food respectively; fish, meat, poultry, eggs, grains and most legumes belongs to acidic food..... while onions, watermelon, sweet potato, almonds, cauliflower , green vegetables are alkalne foods.
The good news is because the human body is amazingly able to heal itself, eating living foods has a naturally alkalizing effects of an acidic diet!
The bottom line is that living foods bring us life. A diet rich in living foods as designed by God and with everything we need for perfect health provides us with the ultimate raw materials to not only maintain optimal health and vigor, but also to heal ourselves of existing diseases and sickness. To many people, for much too long, have been trying to survive on the alternative dead and processed food. And they paid to little attention to what kinds of foods we are even capable of eating in its raw condition.
David wolfe, author of natures first law ; The raw food diet, says if you think humans are meat eaters, then try eating the animal flesh raw, like every carnivorous eaters on the planet. If something is not palatable in its raw state, then you probably shouldn't be eating it.
Foods like meat, cheese, white flour products caffeine and alcohol create toxins the body must deal with. When these foods are consumed, diseases start forming, the colon becomes clogged, the bloods PH balance, which should be 7.35 to 7.4, moves more toward acidic, and cells become deprived of oxygen and other nutrients. The result is gradual and inevitable physical deterioration .
The following are some of the acidic and alkaline food respectively; fish, meat, poultry, eggs, grains and most legumes belongs to acidic food..... while onions, watermelon, sweet potato, almonds, cauliflower , green vegetables are alkalne foods.
The good news is because the human body is amazingly able to heal itself, eating living foods has a naturally alkalizing effects of an acidic diet!
The bottom line is that living foods bring us life. A diet rich in living foods as designed by God and with everything we need for perfect health provides us with the ultimate raw materials to not only maintain optimal health and vigor, but also to heal ourselves of existing diseases and sickness. To many people, for much too long, have been trying to survive on the alternative dead and processed food. And they paid to little attention to what kinds of foods we are even capable of eating in its raw condition.
David wolfe, author of natures first law ; The raw food diet, says if you think humans are meat eaters, then try eating the animal flesh raw, like every carnivorous eaters on the planet. If something is not palatable in its raw state, then you probably shouldn't be eating it.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
God news we would need proper tools and materials as caretakers and stewards of our own bodies, and that is why he gave us every seed and plants.
Living plant food is the original source of nutrition for humankind and for all other life. Fresh vegetable such as carrot, sprouts, leafy greens, potatoes, pepper, onions, cabbage, cucumbers, yams and a host of other raw and uncooked produce are the greatest source of all vitamins. Oily foods such as nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, and coconuts are among the rich, healthy fats that are important to a healthy diet. Flax oil provide a good supply of omega3. But remember, once heated, the healthy fats in these items become"trans" fats ( trans fatty acid) and can become carcinogenic in nature. Living fruits can be sweet, mangoes and cherries, for example or non sweet, cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes.
Juices made from fresh vegetables are also living foods. The nutrients in fresh juices are full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. The best advantage of drinking fresh vegetable juice, rather than eating the whole vegetable, is that the fiber has been removed, and thus we get more nutrition ti the cellular level of our bodies much quicker. Less energy is expended in assimilating it because our bodies aren't trying to separate the juice from fiber (which is not absorbed by the whole body but expelled as waste).
Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables is a super food. It is the most important part of a nutrient-dense, living, food pyramid. Juice from a cartoon, bottle, or can, however, is processed, heated, and stored, which depletes the vitamins and enzymes content. Bottled and canned juice that is 100 percent juice isn't particularly bad for you, but if pasteurized it is completely dead and doesn't have anywhere near the great benefit of freshly extracted juices. Any beverages that contain 10 percent or less juice (with the rest being water or sweetener) falls into the dead, dead, dead. Not even natural flavoring gives these drinks any redeeming healthy value.
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Dead food;
* Is food that has had most of the enzymes destroyed and many of the nutrients processed, cooked, and packaged out of it.
* Contains refined flour and added sugar, which may actually suck stored vitamins from your body as your system tries to metabolize them.
* Comes from dead animals (Any food that is absent of the enzymes your body needs to help you properly digest and metabolize food, is dead food
* Most enzymes are destroy.
* Proteins are denatured.
* Fried oils generate trans fatty acids, thus becoming carcinogenic.
* Carbohydrates (sugars) are caramelize.
* Vitamins and minerals are less available.
* Water is reduced.
* Slower metabolic function
* Digestion problems.
* Constipation.
* Formation of diseases.
* Low vitality.
* Loss of quality of life.
* Loss of spiritual and mental clarity
* Early death
* All animal flesh foods.
* Dairy products.
* Refined table salts.
* Sugar.
* White flour.
* Alcohol.
* Nicotine.
* Caffeine.
The bottom line is that; Everything you put into your body is either cell-building material or cell-destroying material. If you put live material into it, it will sustain life and by now i think you already know what happens otherwise.
Friday, 6 February 2015
If we keep drawing on our metabolic enzymes to make our digestive enzymes ( because we are eating only dead, cooked foods), then this is the result. Our bank account of metabolic enzymes will decrease and our bodies will eventually become weaker and weaker.
Over the years diets have changed tremendously from eating mainly whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables to eating excessive amounts of cooked meats, cheese, eggs, dairy, processed foods and sugar. As a result, diseases has flourished.
Modern food processors have stripped our food of much of its remaining nutrients and destroyed the enzymes.
Dr. Weston price, a dentist who studied native cultures in the early 1900s. In is research around the world he showed that when refined, processed, cooked foods were introduced into various cultures, the peoples health start to deteriorated rapidily... usually within only one generation. He noted that tooth decay and degenarative diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis and cancer increased at a level comparable to modern industrialized nations. However, when tribes and cultures remained on their native diet, they did not develop these diseases.
The key to good health is to stay close to Nature.
Dr. Paul at the institute of clinical chemistry found that eating food heated at low temperature or uncooked raw food did not cause a reaction in the blood. That is, did not create a rise in the number of white blood cells.
He found that foods that has been refined, homogenized, pasteurized or preserved cause the greatest increase in white blood cells. Another interesting thing he discovered was that if a person ate (at the same time) the same amount of raw food as cooked food, the pathological reaction in the blood was minimal. This meant that raw food counteracted the problem caused by the overcooked food.
The more food you eat raw, the better.
* We should eat as many raw foods as possible
* We should limit how often we eat over cooked foods
* We should limit how often we eat commercially processed foods.
In other words, balance your food intake. Whenever you eat overcooked food (pizza is one of them, it is cooked at high temperatures), be sure you allow your body to fully process the food out of your body by eating healthy, raw foods for a day or so.
Be Smart
Don't stress your body by eating foods that spikes your white blood cells. Eat as much food that you can that does not cause your white blood cells to overworked. Enjoy your food, but don't continually eat food that can harm your body. Give your digestive system a chance to rest once in a while by eating more raw food like fruits and vegetables.
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Overcooking of your food can kill it. Dr. Nancy Appleton PHD. Tell us that the more food is cooked, the more difficult it becomes to digest and metabolize. She says that the higher the temperature that food is cooked, the longer it stays in our gut and the more difficult it becomes for our digestive mechanism to digest it. Dr. Edward Howell is also another researcher and he devoted nearly his entire life in researching enzymes. He found that when food is cooked at temperature exceeding 118 degrees for thirty minutes, almost all the enzymes in the food are destroyed. These enzymes are the living parts of the food. Our bodies are forced to draw upon our metabolic enzymes.... the raw materials that rebuilds our bodies when our food is cooked until the enzymes have been lost. As a result of consuming food that lacks enzymes, we start to degenerate which can lead to heart diseases, hypertension, arthritis, trauma or infection, immune problems that may lead to cancer.
Francis pottenger found that every food has a temperature point at which every food changes its chemical configuration. Pasteurization, deep frying and high heat barbecuing are all forms of cooking where foods is heated past this heat point. He said that when this happens our body does not have the enzymes to digest the food easily. When our food does not digest properly several things happen.
1. It sits in our gut and starts to become toxic
2. Candida and other pathogens start to grow
3. The cells on the linning of the gastrointestinal tract began to enlage
4. Then, the putrefied, undigested or partially digested food slips into the blood stream. This is called the leaky gut syndrome or gut permeability.
When this larger undigested or partially digested food gets into our blood stream, they are called free radicals, which leads to diseases and rapid aging.
Our immune system comes to our aid. When these free radicals began multiplying, our immune system jumps into action. It starts making these undigested particled back into substances that our body can use or simply escorts them out of our body. In other words, our immune system is asked to do the job that our digestive system did not do.
But our immune system was not designed to do this on a daily basis. So it becomes overwhelmed and the door is opened to infectious and degenerative diseases.
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