Dairy products are just as dangerous to the body as meat- and what is this diary product? it is cow milk! you might say, there is nothing wrong with cow milk! you are right! there is absolutely nothing wrong with cow milk! in fact, God made that cow milk for baby cows! just like He mase goat milk for baby goats, and cat milk for cats etc.
So why don't humans choose to drink cat milk? i guess it was a little hard to get out of the cat ! by looking at the nature, how many animals in the wild drink the milk of another species of animals? we never seem to make the association that putting another animals custom fuel - blend into our bodies or our children's bodies may be the cause of the physical problems we experience. When you give cow milks (or formula or soy) to human babies, it can cause colic, ear infections, throat infections, swollen glands, allergies, asthma, and diaper trash. Why? Because its the wrong fuel for our species. Our creator brilliantly designed the proper fuel mix for every mammals on earth to come from the proper source for its newborn offspring- namely, the mothers breast of each individual baby.
How many animals in the wild pasteurize their milk? they don't do such. Pasteurization takes the temperature up to approximately 170 degrees, and at just 107 degrees, the enzymes within that milk start to breakdown and die. At 150 degrees, the proteins molecules start to derange. Any "good" bacteria or (probiotics) found in the raw milk is killed off along with the bad bacteria found in mass- milking procedures - so those benefits are also neutralized. The living enzymes in raw milk are necessary to allow organic calcium to hitch a ride to the bones and teeth, so pasteurization destroys even more of the nutritional value and changes the organic minerals into elemental minerals, a form that is toxic to the body.
Dairy products are filled with saturated butter, fat, which not only leads to heart diseases and diabetes, but also carries a huge dose of cancer causing pesticides, which the cows gather from the foods they eat. The pesticides eaten by animals while grazing are stored directly in the fat of the animal percent higher concentration than found in plants matter it ate. Consuming the fat from either the animals flesh is or its butterfat will deliver another supply of toxic substances directly to ones directly owned body. Besides the pesticides, other contains meat like bacteria anti -biotic, and growth hormones also find their way into the milk. The growth hormones gives to cows and other cooperates farm product like Poultry have been directly linked to an early onset of puberty in our current generation of children.
Cow milk is not designed to be food for humans; and all the toxic substances are injurious properties that are found in saturated fat in meat also apply for the butter fat found in diary products. All the physical problems meat the cause in your body will also be caused by diary, cheese, and yes, even eggs. one egg york has the cholesterol of a whole pound of beef.
friends, i realized it will be hard for you to change your eating habit. if you do, i know you will give thanks to God. Remember if diet is wrong, medicines is of no use, and if diet is right medicine is of no need.
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