Saturday, 25 October 2014

Continuation of the important connection between water and good health

This is the continuation of the chronic diseases that can result from not drinking enough water. If you miss it, go to "connection between water and good health" .

     4. Asthma

             Water reduce the effects of asthma. Your bronchial tubes - the airways of your system need water to have moisture in order to prevent constriction. Asthmatics usually have elevated histamine level.

         Histamine is a neurotransmitter that causes the contraction of the muscles in the bronchial tubes, leading to symptoms of asthma. The study has shown that the production of histamine will decrease as water intake increases. Water is also an important treatment for allergies since allergies are associated with elevated histamine levels. Elevated histamine causes itchy eyes, nasal draining and other allergic symptoms.


            In the brain, cells may become dehydrated due to lack of adequate hydration. Without adequate water, the brain may not obtain nourishment, and it may not be able to properly eliminate waste matters. It is believe that long term dehydration may contribute to Alzheimer diseases. The brain is 75 percent water. can you see why you should never allow it to become dehydrated.


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Connection Between Water And Good Health

To better understand the essential connection between water and good health, lets look at the chronic diseases that can result from not taking enough water.

1. Arthritis

       Arthritis is characteristics by inflammation in the joint, especially the knee joint. At some point in life almost everyone is affected by arthritis or neck and back pain.

  Back or neck may be caused by disks wearing out sue to inadequate fluid within the disk. Our backs have disks between the vertebral bones that are made up of fibrous materials called annuls fibrous. This is filled with a jelly like substance called the nucleus pulposus. As much as 75 percent of the weight of our upper body is supported by the nucleus pulpos, which is the fluid inside the disk. Therefore, when our disks become dehydrated they are prone to herniate and develop degenerative diseases or arthritis.

 Cartilage provides the smoothy surface so that joints can glide easily during movement. Cartilage is about 80 percent water. As long as the cartilage is well hydrated, there is minimal frictional forces, and the joint remains healthy. However, if the cartilage is dehydrated, there will be increased frictional forces and thus more damage to the cartilage, leading to arthritis.

2. High Blood Pressure.

previously we indicated that the body rations to make certain the vital organs receive it first. If you miss it go to "the deficit danger|". However, when that happens, the flow of water may be constricted to other areas of the body in order to pump blood to these vital areas first. What is the result? your arteries may eventually become constricted, driving your blood pressure up. Simply by increasing our intake of water, we help to open up our arteries, thus preventing a rise in blood pressure.

   The best treatment available for high blood pressure is water instead of the medication to open up or dilate these passage ways provided it is detected early and the person has a very good kidney.

3. Ulcers.

Maintaining the proper water level can greatlyrelieve ulcer diseses.

      The person who is not drinking the recommended amount of water daily is existing in a water deficit, because the body rations the water to our vital organs first. There may not be enough water left to rehydrate the mucous layer in our stomach, which is 98 percent water. The mucous layer protects us against stomach acid, The layer also contains bicarbonate which neutralizes the stomach acids. When we drink water, the mucous layer becomes much thicker, preventing the acid from burning the stomach lining.

    Remember, it is water, not expensive medicine, that provides lasting relief from ulcers.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The Deficit Danger

When the average rainfall is inadequate in a year consequently, crops will fail and trees wiil die because of this shortage.

Do you realize the same thing can be happening to you because you are 'water deficient" as a result of not drinking enough water, you wont have sufficient fluid in your tissues, and you may become chronically dehydrated.

 When our body become chronically dehydrated it begins to ration our water. If the warning signals like headache are ignored or you take medicine instead of the liquids they need, serious problems begin to surface. To be specific, we can begin to develop rectal diseases- irritable bowl diverticulosis, chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

  Lack of this vital element also contribute to varicose veins, heart diseases, arthritis, back and neck pain, asthma, allergies, ulcers, headache. memory loss, high cholesterol and even kidney stone.

                   A CRY FOR HELP!

 Here is why an adequate supply of water is critical. Every function of the body is related to the flow of blood that carries nutrients, hormones and other elements to the tissues. The nutrients first go to the vital organs, your heart, brain, livers, kidneys and lungs.

Follow this closely. The shortage of intake will cause loss of water volume in the cell, which affects the efficiency of delivering nutrients and excreting water products. What is the result? we don't have enough nutrients in the cells, and we have more waste collecting in those same cells.

Imagine that the symptoms occurring from chronic dehydration are expressed by the body's crying out "HELP! I'm thirsty. I desperately need water!".

According to Dr Colbert, for most people, the symptoms are detected by their doctor. However, instead of treating the patients with water, the physician often writes out a prescription, and you, the patient rush to your nearest pharmacy. The medicine turns your "signal for help" off and temporarily noticing, you become trapped in a cycle that grows worse and worse. You take a pill for one condition, and something else starts failing. You get prescription for that, and a third symptoms occurs. For most conditions, drugs are not needed look inward. Taking those drugs that suppress symptoms face the reality, your body is seriously crying for water not medicine.



Sunday, 12 October 2014


What is the most important nutrients in our body? this was the question somebody asked me when i was conducting a health seminar. Without hesitation i answered, "WATER". Its the main transport media of the body that delivers nutrients to all the cells. Its also essential to digestion helping us absorb, assimilate and eliminate. Your body can exists about five weeks without food, but the average person can only live about five days without water. It is a statement of fact that.....
   1. Your body is about 75 percent water
   2. Your muscle are about 75 percent water
   3. Your brain is about 75 percent water
   4. Your blood is approximately 82 percent water
   5. Your bones are approximately 25 percent water.
Every cell in your body depends on water to function properly.
   The national research councils recommends approximately 8-10 glasses per day for women, and 10-12 glasses a day for men. Yet it is disturbing to know that most people do not drink one cup of water a day, let alone the amount they truly need.
 You say "that's a large quantity. I could never drink that much!" fortunately, you are already one-third of the way toward the objective simply by the foods you eat. You absorb about one quarter of water in your daily routine.
For example, apples are 80 percent water, tomatoes are 95 percent water, while banana are over 70 percent water.
A gorrilla don't drink water, yet he is getting his daily liquid requirements from the large quantities of food he ingest.
Starch processed foods , such has fast food, a backed potato, cooked meats and most fats contains very little water. So if these are your main sources, your intake is deficients. However, if you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, you are likely getting your one- quarter mimimum. Im addition to your food, you need extra water and if you live in a warm climate, a little more.
Caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea and sodas do not meet your daily water requirements, for caffeine is a diuretic and actually causes you yo lose water.
The key to good health is to stay close to nature. Next  is "The deficit danger"

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Some scary side effects of sugar to human body

1. Sugar increases the risk of breast cancer
2. Sugar induces salt and water retention
3. Sugar contributed to mild memory loss
4. Sugar is a risk factor in small intestine cancer
5. Sugar can induce cell death
6. Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure
7. Sugar can slow the ability of the adrenal gland to function
8. Sugar can cut off oxygen to the brain when given to people intravenously
9. Sugar can cause epileptic seizures
10. Sugar causes constipation
11. Sugar can cause brain decay in pre- diabetic and diabetic woman
12. Sugar can cause metabolic syndrome
13. Sugar increases neural tube defects in embrayol when consumed by pregnant woman
14. Sugar increase the chance of getting irritable bowl syndrome
15. Sugar make many essential nutrients less available to cells
16. Sugar can decrease testosterone production
17. sugar can lead to prostrate cancer
18. Sugar can cause a woman to give birth to babies with low birth weight
19. Sugar is associated with a serious schizophrenia
20. Sugar can cause asthma
21. Sugar can cause liver tumors
22. Sugar can cause renal cell cancer
23. Sugar increases the risk of polio
24. Sugar dehydrates n
25. Sugar can rise homocysteine levels in the blood stream
26. Sugar increases the chance of getting irritable bowl syndrome
27. Sugar can cause cataracts
28. Sugar increase uric acid in blood
29. Sugar can cause fatigues, moodiness, nervousness and depression
30. Sugar can cause cancer of the rectum.
          One of the key to enjoy good health is to apply moderation to all our doing!

Friday, 10 October 2014

Eat less, live longer!

Animals, including human beings that are fed with 30% fewer calories live longer. Why? animals including human beings use oxygen to burn fats and carbohydrates to produce energy. But energy production makes free radicals molecules that attack cell. Most of the times, our cells clear or mop up these free radicals, but this becomes less efficients as ones get older in age. The hungry animal or human being live longer because they are burning less food and so making fewer free radicals. REDUCE YOUR CALORIES INTAKE AND LIVE LONGER.