Monday, 14 April 2014

Never Give Your Kids These Foods* Luncheon Meats
     Bologna, smoked ham, and even roast beef are not healthy for the kids. If you packed meat for kids everyday, you're packing them with a very dangerous and toxic food which increase the risk of heart diseases and cancer.
*  Juices
      You may think juice is great for our kids, it is bad for children. Not all juice actually contain vitamins. The high sugar content can be a problem for their teeth.
* Processed Food
     These foods are bad for both children and even the parent. Processed foods are in general less healthy. They usually contain more salt or fat
* Soda
     Soda is a non nutritional choice, generally packed with chemical ingredients
* Sports And Vitamin Drinks
     It has a lot of empty calories. They likely don't need.

Nerver Give Your Kids These Foods

Monday, 7 April 2014

Important Tips For Healthy LIving

A healthy diet or a healthy meal plan can help you towards meeting your healthy living goals.

Live Your Life With A Purpose.

You need goals and mottos to live life to the fullest. Achieving these goals and living up to your mottos will give you a sense of bliss and happiness. Achieving this bliss like state is a step to healthy living.

Prepare Your Meal.

Learning to cook with natural and fresh produce is a major help towards healthy living. This healthy tip is a filter that helps you consume fresh vegetables, skip processed food, reduce salt and oil and find healthy ways of cooking. Preparing your meal will help you cut down on lifestyle diseases like heart problems and unhealthy weight gain.

Avoid Sugary Foods.

This is like taking candy from children. In hindsight, it is not a bad idea, especially with the increasing number of young adults developing diabetes . Refined sugar has no vitamins or minerals, it only adds sweetness to the dish.

Improve Your Posture

It is important to improve your posture, these are the healthy benefits for good posture;

* Help the organs to function properly , especially digestion

* Avoid back pain and neck pain

* Improve concentration.

Carry Water And Drink Enough Water.

Your body needs water to function properly and efficiently. Water helps the body in a big way to flush out all waste from the body . Water has several health benefits ; it is as long as your shopping list. Stay hydrated with water than opting for packaged bottle of juices, energy drink or aerated drink.
Improve Your Eating Habits
While eating, there are few pointers that get sidelined but plays a vital role in healthy living. These are some of the healthy tips while eating for healhy livinggg.
* Eating in small proportions
* Eat in a smaller plate to reduce the consumption of food
* Eat slow, it will help in digestion and give you a satiated feeling
* Stop eating when you are full.
 Exercise All Muscle Group
When you exercise it is important to flex different muscle groups in your body. Most  of us opt for cardioworkouts which only has cardiovascular benefits. For example, running can burn calories, improve stamina in you legs and tone muscles. What about the rest of the body?
  Pick Exercise You Love.
It is important to select an exercise or workout routine that you enjoy, this  will only help you stick to your fitness goals.
Get Sufficient Sleep
Sleep is important for healthy living. Lack of sleep is one of the causes for the onset of lifestyle diseases. Life is too short, but you need to sleep and get sufficient rest for your body is recuperating.
Take A Deep breathe.
A hectic schedule leaves no room for a breather . Stress can lead to lifestyle diseases like cancer and insomia which can send your world spiraling out of control. When stressed , take a deep breathe, do this couple of times. Slow deep breathing exercise are a great way to pump up low energy levels and concentration.

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Friday, 4 April 2014

Eat Some Carrots

Forget about vitamin A.with this orange crunchy power food, you get vitamin A and a host of other powerful health benefits including beautiful skin, cancer prevention, and anti aging.
      Benefits of Carrots improved vision.
Western cultures understanding of carrots being good for eye is one of the few we got right. Carrots are rich in beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in retina, to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision.
  Beta carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and serile cataracts. A study found that people who eat the most beta carotene had 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration than those who consumed little.
      Cancer Prevention.
Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Researchers have just discovered falcarinol and falcarindiol whish they feel cause the anticancer properties.
  Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the carrot that protects its roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are one of the only common sources of this compound. A study showed one out of three lower cancer risk by carrrot eating mice.
     Anti Aging.
  The high level of beta carotene acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It helps slow down the aging of cells.
   Healthy Glowing skin.
  Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, and uneven skin.
  A powerful Antiseptic
Carrots are known to prevents infection.

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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Continuations of health problems related to what people eat

GOITER [Swelling or mass of throat].
 A goiter is a swelling or large mass on the throat that result from abnormal growth of a gland called thyroid.
    Most goiters are caused by lack of iodine in the diet. Also,a lack of iodine in a pregnant woman's  diet sometimes causes babies to die or be born mentally slow and or deaf [cretinism]. They can happen even through the mother does not have a goiter.
How to prevent or cure a goiter and prevent cretism .
Everyone living in areas where people get goiters should use iodized salt. Use of iodized salt  prevents the common kind of goiter and will help many goiters go away. Eating crab and other seafood can do some good because they contain iodine.Mixing a little seaweed with food also add iodine. But the easiest way is to use iodized salt. Avoid eating much cassava if you are in an area where goiters are common.
Persons with diabetes have much sugar in their blood. This can start when a person is young [juvenile diabetes] or older [adult diabetes]. It is usually more serious in young people and they need special medicine [insulin] to control it. But it is common in people over 40 who eat too much and get fat.
   When a person gets diabetes after he/she is 40years it can often be best controlled without medicines, by eating correctly. The diabetic persons diet is very important and must be followed carefully for life.
The diabetics; fat people with diabetes should lose weight until the weight is normal. Diabetics person must not eat any sugar or sweets or foods that taste sweet.It is important for them to eat lots of high fiber foods, such as whole grain breads. They should also eat some other starchy foods like, beans, rice, and potatoes, and also food high in protein.